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Hopping to It: November 2010

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

In the Car

Things to remember while traveling with kids...
Snacks and batteries.

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Tuesday, November 23, 2010

21 days of John...a journey to Advent

We are leaving for Thanksgiving...I don't know when I will post again...but I hope soon!!

What are you Thankful for?

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21 day "Book of John" challenge...The Devil...part two


Yep I did it again.  How hard is it for me to stay on task....but I got it now, these late nights and early mornings have me so confused!  

As I read John this time I have tried to vision myself in the story.   I also try to vision what is going on behind the scenes.  That is becoming more fun for me.  It has put a nice little twist on the story and I have enjoy seeing the devil squirm!  
Jesus is in the garden praying.  His disciples are still trying to digest Jesus latest teachings to them while snoozing.  The devil standing back smirking, the demons cackling as the roam in and out of the disciples, and angels stand guard with swords.  Soon commotion in the back in the distance.  The devil turns himself with pride thinking "ahhh here it comes, my plan is in action",  watching as Judas leads the soldiers.  There more demons with them hooting and hollowing, of course the humans can't hear them.
Jesus, knowing full well why they are here, stands up and goes over to the crowd, angels on either side of Him.  "Who is it you want?"  Jesus asks.  "Jesus of Nazareth" they replied.  Judas standing next to to them.  "I am He" Jesus responds.  
Now lets stop for a minute in the story cause I never realized this before.  When Jesus said these three little words "I am He" the bible says the crowds backed up and fell to the ground.  Really?  Soldiers, trained to fight.  Egoistical chief priest and pharisee. Judas.  The demons.  Where they scared?  Did the words come out with wind and fear?  Why did they fall?  Maybe the demons, who knew Jesus, got scared when they heard those words and tremble back taking everyone else with them?   Some say that the crowd was expect a dangerous rebel, so when they had found out this was Jesus they fell back wards in fear of this "dangerous man"  I don't think I am buying this one...Jesus had been pretty public with His teachings, so I  would assume that many knew of him, as a teacher not a dangerous criminal.  
But I guess if I put into this story the demons and devil and Angels I could see the crowd fall backward.  Did they stay down the whole time?  Was Jesus shocked they fell to the ground?  I see Jesus as being the cool, in control one and the devil being the one a little annoyed right now.  I can just hear the devil yelling..."get up!! beep beepy beepy beep...."  By now the disciples, are confused and shocked to see one of their own and out of fear and protect for Jesus Simon Peter attacks them cutting off the ear of one of the disciples.
And Jesus when this happens, Jesus told Peter, “Put your sword away. Shouldn’t I drink the cup of suffering that my Father has given me?” 
By now the people have all gotten up and Jesus is arrested.  We all know the devil, he is having a field day.  He has Jesus just where he wants him to be.  Doing this whole questioning phase the devil, standing there whispering things in their ears.  Demons wandering through the crowd whispering in theirs ears "Barabbas." The Angels standing with Jesus, they know what is coming, they are prepared for what is coming. is funny that as I am getting ready for Thanksgiving, Advent and Christmas, I am thinking about Easter.  


Saturday, November 20, 2010

Away In A Manger: Sign Language

Learning to blog on the road

So I have a new app!! And they say I can blog from anywhere. So I can blog all the cool things we do from all over. Which is great cause sometimes I have great ideas all the time but by the time I get home...too tired or busy or I just forget!!

Oh by the way...John it!!

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Location:Huntsville,United States

Friday, November 19, 2010

21 day "Book of John" challenge...Day 13...the devil

I've gotten a little confused...are we on day 13 or 14?  I think I read 13 so early this morning I feel like I needed to read 14.  There is something I notice about this chapter that I don't think I ever have.  In vs2 it talks about the devil prompting Judas.  I wonder did Jesus see the devil, was he in the room like a being, but only Jesus could see him.  I also wonder were there angels and demons there too, kind of circle each other like before a battle?  It reminds me a little bit of Prank Pretti's writing. I also think of the show Charmed.  Yes...I know it was about witches...but some of their images of the demons and such is what I imagine to have been in room during the events of Jesus.  
Now I don't want to get into any theological debates, nor have I studied these subjects lately.  But in my mind they are present.  I can see them in the room talking and the devil, who is a little nervous about Jesus, walks over and whispers this in Judas ear.  Judas, feeling like he just felt a hot eerie chill down his spin turns to see who just spoke to him.  But no one is there when he turns.  The voice of Jesus breaks his thoughts "You do not realize now what I am doing, but later you will understand.” Judas just watches Jesus.  
Jesus, knowing the devil is there, is troubled, knowing what the devil did, knowing that one of his trusted disciples is going to betray him.  
The devil, smirking, knowing he made Jesus a little uneasy, watches, as the buzz of his demons laugh.  The disciples mummling, who is going to betray Jesus what is he talking about?  A disciple, whom Simon Peter motioned to find out what is going on,  leans on him and whispers "who is it Lord?"  Jesus turning "Who I give this piece of bread to."  
Jesus gets up and the disciples quite a little, He walks over to Judas, hands the piece of bread to him and says "do what you must."  Oh what Judas must have felt, jumping up and leaving. I wonder if the demons surrounded him when he left with their "praises", the devil smirking, think he is winning.  
I wonder what that disciple felt like when he realized what Jesus meant?  Did Simon Peter figure it out.  After Judas left Jesus started teaching a little.  I can see the devil, making faces, saying "yea yea yea, love on another", mocking him as Jesus was teaching, the demons making their sounds.  The angels with their swords drawn to protect the people.  
Did the devil really know what was going to happen?  Did he understand that God was going to sacrifice His only son to save these humans?  It reminds me of Dr. Who, and how he stands up for the human race against these aliens wanting to destroy mankind.  They are worth saving.  God knew we were worth saving.  But the devil......


Thursday, November 18, 2010

I Need a Silent Night Amy Grant


Wednesday, November 17, 2010

21 day "Book of John" challenge...Day 11-12

Reading a chapter at a time is challenging in many ways.  On one hand it is challenging making time.  But the biggest challenge is reading only one chapter when I start.  I know that sounds funny, but I really only want read one chapter cause I like the anticipation of what is going to happen next, even though I have read this many times.  The plot thickens....when reading John this time I have jumped into the story, living like some one who was traveling with them.  It has made it so personal, so true.  This story is like comfort food, no matter how many times you eat it, it is sooo good!!!!
I  don't think I ever realized how much John points the unbeliever to Christ.  He does so many things for people to believe,  yet many don't.  Today, these words seem so simple and true and real, but many don't believe.  Christ came for all even the unbelievers, most of all the unbelievers.  
When I put the 21 day reading into play, it never accrued to me that I would be heading into Advent with the Easter story.  This tiny baby boy born for you, to die for you, for me....getting ready for Advent...getting ready for Christmas.....His Story, Our Story.....

Oh and the shortest verse "Jesus wept"  


Monday, November 15, 2010

21 day "Book of John" challenge...Day 10

The wonderful youtube videos only went up to like chapter 8!!  Looking for others

Today was hard.  I just came back last night from the youth gathering.  Dan turned around and left for a week long trip.  I was tired.  It was cold and raining out side.  Each of the kids had their moments of insanity.  I have a 4 year old that I just don't understand this stage she is in....and my 9 year old....I wanted to go back to camp.
I just sat on the floor in my room grabbed my bible and read John 10.  After I was done, I was at peace at little.  I finally figured it out.  God is like my best friend.  I know He is always there for me.  I have other really great friends, and sometime we go weeks, months and some years without talking.  But when we get together and talk...oh how great that feels...that is how I feel when I am reading the bible.  Like I am with a really old good friend talking over a cup of coffee.  And you think, why don't I do this more often?

We are in the minds seems better prepared for Advent.  The fleeting thoughts of ..."must get Christmas program together."  Well they are fleeting thoughts that don't over whelm me. Gift, cards, pictures, parties, advent dinners, advent services, Lock-in' focus feels good for these things!!!

By the way did any one feel like singing "I just want to be a lamb (yes I know sheep but we changed it many years ago!) bah bah bah, I just want to be a bah bah bah, cause I pray to my Lord my soul to take I just want to be a lamb, bah bah bah!!"



Hillsong Kids - Every Move I Make

Friday, November 12, 2010

21 day "Book of John" challenge...Day 6-9

Sorry I never blogged last night.  And for the next three days I will be at our Jr. High district youth retreat!
Sorry...I will try to blog when I get back...don't forget to read!!


Thursday, November 11, 2010

Veterans Day...a day to honor, a day to remember, a day to talk about

Veterans_Day- all the kids that goto Public school are getting this day off.  Do they know why?  Do we remember why?
Both father and father-in-law served.  Both my grandfathers served.  Some of Dan's Uncles served.  (Family reading this please post more info other other family members who served).

My pop-pop served in World War II...John T. Keichline, Technical Sergeant, 93rd Signal Battalion.  These are some of his words from his story... "I enlisted in the Army at New Cumberland, Pennsylvania, on Feb. 2, 1942.  From there, I was sent to Fort Monmouth, NJ for basic training.  Then sent to Camp Crower, Missouri, where I attended Radio Operators School.  Also joined the 93rd. Signal Battalion.  After training at Camp Crowder, our battalion was sent to the Dessert Training Center, Camp Young, California, close to Indio.  We Maneuvered there for 10 months, thinking that we were going to Africa.  April, 1944, the 93. Signal battalion arrived in England.
The big day came, in April 1944, we boarded a train at Indio and started our journey east to New York city.  Thoughts of families, wives and sweethearts were foremost in everyones' minds.  It was a rather quiet bunch of G.I.'s, as we rolled through the plain states, into the midwest and east, through souther New York state to the city of our farewell.  The was our last day on U.S. soil there at the pier in N.Y.C. and no turning around now.  This was it.
The English captain and his crew were waiting as we walked up the gang plank onto the Queen Elizabeth and what looked like the lobby of a huge hotel.  It was hard to believe that this was really a ship.  What a strange paradox!  This beautiful luxury liner sailing into hell.
.....Gradually, the coast of Normandy appeared.  We kept getting closer and closer until we could make out a lot of ships and supplies piled up on the beach.  It was Utah beach, July 27 and we knew this was going to be the beginning.  We drove out radio truck off the LST onto metal tracks that took us onto land.  When we parked everyone was looking around and wondering.

The stories and letters bring to life moments that we can not start to understand.  We can only close our eyes and envision what hollywood has created.  These men that served....they close their eyes and relive what they have experienced, heard, saw, smelled, tasted and touch.

To all the men and women who have, who are, and who will serve our country, for our freedom....thank you.


Wednesday, November 10, 2010

21 day "Book of John" challenge...Day 5


To make it short, today was busy and I had to finally make time to finish reading this evening.  This is what gets me, things happen, kids, cleaning, church, extra stuff.  Sometimes to find that 10 minutes is hard.  If I find time for other things, I should find time to read...

Tonight in Confirmation we talked about Media and Materialism.  The good, the bad, the ugly.  Kids on the average spend 7.5 hours on mp3, phones, computers or video games.   I could spend my days filled with facebook, internet searches, getting school stuff ready.  My iphone is always by my side.

I believe that if Martin Luther was alive, he would be there with me.  He would be using every means available to get the message of the Gospel out to everyone.  He would be twitting, facebooking, blogging.  He would be engrossed in this.  John is trying to accomplish the same thing, getting the message out to everyone by every means he had.

Tomorrow is Veteran's day.....and Sunday school stories


Thoughts by Pastor Bernie on the 21 days to get ready for Advent-day 4

John 5--Jesus is on the move back to Jerusalem. At the pool of Bethesda Jesus commands a paralyzed man to pick up his bed pallet and walk. John thereby explains to a Jerusalem audience that Jesus is the Messiah and further explains the reasons why the Jews hated Jesus.  He healed  the man on the Sabbath and told the man to break the Sabbath law too (carry your bed). AND He called God His Father, "making himself equal to God."
To which Jesus says "you've seen nothin yet.". The Son is now raising to life the spiritually dead and will army the last day raise people from their graves.  Jesus promises that those who hear and believe Him already have eternal life. They have "passed from death to life." What does it mean when we call God our Father?

Pastor Bernie has been Pastor at Ascension Lutheran Church in Huntsville AL for over 40.  He lives with his wife Grace, has three children and five grandchildren.


Tuesday, November 9, 2010

21 day "Book of John" challenge...Day 4


So Robby this morning woke up and read.  Then came and told me he was done.   He says Jesus went to a well and asked a women for water and I am not telling you any more.  You have to read it.   I was just getting up, getting my two little ones ready for preschool.  I sat down with my coffee and computer to see facebook, email and farmville (my newly found addiction again:)).  Robby walked over and said did you read yet, I said I will in a minute.  He puts his hand in front of my screen and says "what is more important, reading the bible or playing farmville?"  Ummmmmmm well I know the answer but had to be put into my place by my 9 year old.  And a child will lead.....
So I read and he did my farmville!
I was touched by the story about the man wanting to save his child.  And how the simple words "Your son will live."  I thought that father really loved his son and was going to do anything to save him.  He heard of this man named Jesus who could heal him.  He just had to get him to come with him to touch his boy, to heal him.  Imagine how he felt when Jesus said "unless you see signs you won't believe."  I think my heart would have sunken.  I would think please hurry MY CHILD IS GOING TO DIE.  No parent wants to see their child die.
Jesus simply said "Go, your son will live."  That was that dad had to hold on too.  Those words.
Imagine being in his home.  The mother and grandmother overwhelmed and sadden by the dying child.  People scurrying around trying to help.  Someone always at the bed side.  Someone trying to get the mother to eat to keep her strength.  When suddenly the child sits up and looks around, smiles and says "why are you crying momma?"  The JOY felt in the room.  The shock and surprise.  The big hug from the mom.  Then her turning around and yelling "Quick go tell he dad"  And the servant taking off running....
And in the words of my son, I am not tell you any more, you have to read it in John 4...


Thoughts by Pastor Bernie on the 21 days to get ready for Advent-day 4

Thoughts by Pastor Bernie on John 4
Today all Christians are taught Jesus is the promised Messiah.  Seems strange to us that people didn't realize that when Jesus walked the earth. He just was not an obvious choice. So, He revealed his Messiahship through "signs" and various other ways.  
Other ways that Jesus showed He was the Messiah:  He told the woman at the well in plain language, "I who speak to you am He.". Earlier, He had asserted that He would replace the Temple as the place where God dwells. That was His point in getting rid of all the sacrificial animals for sale there. They would no longer be needed, for He was the Sacrifice to end all sacrifices.  
Yet another self-testimony of His Messiahship. In John 1 Jesus states that angels would ascend and descend upon Him. The Jews believed that a sign of the Messiah would be angels ascending and descending from Heaven over the Holy of Holies in the Temple. Jesus however is stating that would never happen; they would be coming down on Him, not on a corner of the Temple.  Continued
Final thoughts:  Angels came to Jesus when He defeated the Devil...after 40 days of the Garden of Gethsemane...and at His resurrection. 
What dies it mean to you that Jesus is God's promised Messiah

Pastor Bernie has been  pastor of Ascensions Lutheran Church  in Huntsville AL for over 40 years.  He lives with his wife Grace and has three children and 5 grand children.


Monday, November 8, 2010

21 day "Book of John" challenge...Day 3


Sooo the kids are sorta in bed, dinner dishes are kinda done, and my older two are are each doing something to keep themselves entertained!  Dan has to work later due to meeting...So now I am sitting to blog about reading.  I read this morning.  After each of the kids got their work started, instead of sitting and messing with the internet, I got out my bible and turned to Chapter 3 and read.  Well I read for about 5 minutes, had a marshmallow war with my son using my marshmallow shooter, then went back to reading.  This is something I need to do more in front of my kids, read God's word.  When I read I am in my room, or it is at church.  I have not been good to show my kids that it is important to read God's word everyday.  My younger ones have a love for God's word.  Between Sunday school, AWANA's and homeschool they get alot and love it.  My 9 year old is just now getting into reading.  He was hearing me talk about reading this challenge.  So we talked about it tonight.  I showed him John and he was over whelmed by how much he had to read.  I told him just take it slow.  We also got out other kid bibles and I told him he could read the stories about Jesus to the kids.  I think that he will take me challenge.  (he hates to lose....)
Now my older one I am concerned about.  Both my husband and I, we don't read the bible in front of him.  In fact we are not good about daily reading.  Our oldest is one of our adopted ones and moved in 3 years ago.  While he goes to church and I know his faith is growing, I also know he has many doubts.  And that right now he does want to read the bible.  He doesn't think he needs it.  He believes and I have to trust he will find his way.  But it is my job to help guide me, prove resources and examples.  Examples like reading the bible so he can see it is important.
He is not the only one I worry about.  More of my other youth at church struggle with their faith.  They say they are a Christian, but turn around and do non Christian things and think it is funny.  They don't think the Bible if for them.  I think it is they don't want to hear the law part.....that some of the things they do are wrong and they are bad.  They don't want to hear  But the are missing out on so much!  Yes we need the law to show us we are sinners.  John 3:16 (you know you all want to say it!) points us to the Gospel in a nutshell.   John is about leading sinners to God.  Those that don't think they need this....this is for them.  God loves them sooooo much.   I worry about my teens.  They have so much thrown at them and do so much, but they don't have 10 minutes to read God's word.  So much is wrong in their lives and they tend to blame God, or tell me they don't believe the whole bible.   I ask well which part don't you believe...let talk about it.  As parents we need to set the example.  I say those words only to know sometimes I have to eat them also. But I think this challenge is opening my eyes in many way.

I have to admit I had an extra spring in my step to day.  Even though I was up in the middle of the night not feeling well, today I was kinda feeling good.  I it because I add God's word?  Daily?  God is Good.

P.S.  Once Robby found out that Grandpa and Pastor where doing the challenge....he grabbed his bible and started reading...he says he has to catch up....sooo if you are reading this, then just start at the beginning and do what you can!!!  Oh and if you are one of my teens...if you don't want to read, then watch the you tub video above in audio!!!!


Thoughts by Pastor Bernie on the 21 days to get ready for Advent

John 3 contains the most memorized verse in all the Bible: 3:16--...whosoever believes on Him shall not perish but have everlasting life. Sadly, too many fail to understand that the faith which believes in Jesus is a gift from God just as a baby's life is a gift from its Mom.  This is what Jesus bad to explain to Nicodemus.
Faith is more than just knowing something; it is being born again spiritually of water and the Holy Soirit through Baptism. Our salvation is totally God's work for us through His only begotten Son.

Just who is this Son?  God's promised Messiah--King over all kings and Lord of all lords.

Pastor Bernie has been  pastor of Ascensions Lutheran Church  in Huntsville AL for over 40 years.  He lives with his wife Grace and has three children and 5 grand children.


Sunday, November 7, 2010

Thoughts by Pastor Bernie on the 21 days to get ready for Advent

My guest blogger is my pastor, Bernie Ansorge...

John 1-Day 1--God had always spoken His Word, but people without faith were deaf to God. They could not hear the voice of the Holy Spirit. So God clothed His Word in a human body so that when He spoke He would have an audience that heard and listened. God still does that today--we are Gods voice. What do others hear when we speak? Is our message grace and truth as Jesus revealed it? He is Gods Word and I'd the touchstone that judges us as we speak.
God was glorified via the birth and life of Jesus. Yet, when Jesus revealed Gods glory, His witnesses saw more than the glory of Gods powerful works and His unrelenting judgments over against sin; they were washed clean by the glorious truth of Gods grace.

John 2--Day two of Twenty-one days to prepare for Advent.  Jesus reveals He is the Messiah by changing water to wine and by declaring that He will take the place of the Temple as the access point to God.

Jesus validated these signs by His rising to life again after His crucifixion. To those who believed in Him, He gave them the privilege of access to God as sons and heirs of the Heavenly Father.

Therefore, we should not trifle with the Messiah, Jesus

Pastor Bernie has been  pastor of Ascensions Lutheran Church  in Huntsville AL for over 40 years.  He lives with his wife Grace and has three children and 5 grand children.


21 day "Book of John" challenge...Day 2


I had visions of getting early this morning and take advantage of that extra hour, but I awoke with a headache and that always messes everything up.   So I took a few minutes after I did Sunday School opening and read Chapter two.  Easy reading.  Just a few minutes.  Sometimes when I read stories they are unfolding in my mind.  When I see the movie of a book I have read I get  upset because things I envision are different and not the way I think they should be.  Every time I read the bible I try to envision my self as one of the by standers watching things happen.  Like I am  actually there as a wedding guess, watching Mary talking to the guest as a proud momma and to Jesus.  Like she knew just what he could do.  I wondered if she just rolled her eyes when he responded to him.  How she must have looked so proud after he preformed this when  baby takes his first steps.  I know that look, I look at my kids that way.
Then I try to imagine being at the market the day Jesus came in.  What people thought of him, going crazy tossing tables over, releasing the animals, yelling.  What the people thought, what I would have thought.  Back then people knew the Scriptures,  they knew the prophecy's.  What would have been the noise had been like.  Would I have been scared?  Curious?  Would I have seek him out, would I have heard rumors of who He is?
Sometimes I just wonder?


Saturday, November 6, 2010

When your 3 year old says he saw fire....

Yesterday we had eaten a yummy dinner and came home to see if we were going to go bowling.  We were only planning to be home for a few minutes.  Everyone ran in to use bathrooms and such.  Isaiah came to me and said "mommy I saw fire in my room."  Ok I said fire huh.  Isaiah is 3 and has a wonderful imagination.   He said this a few more times.  We just kinda of brushed it off.  So finally I said "ok show me."  So we started walking to the room and I realized the hall light was out.  Ahhh I figured the hall light went out and flashed be it went out and that was the firer.  So Dan went and got a light bulb and was going to change it.  Soon he realized that none the lights in that area works so he went in flipped the breaker.  Checking to make sure light were working he went to flip on the boys light....a loud pop and sizzle came from the room.  "Are you Ok" I yelled to Dan.  "Yep" he said and came with the source of the firer.  This summer Isaiah had a temper tantrum and threw a toy and broke part of their light switch plate.  We just never fixed it.  In the few minutes we were home, found a tape measure and stuck it in.  The firer.  Well sparks and blew the fuse.  Melted the tape measurer and the plate.

So moral of the story...1) change plate right a way...2) when your 3 year old says he saw firer check it out the first time!
 We were lucky this time.....


Friday, November 5, 2010

21 day "Book of John" challenge...Day 1

Tomorrow for me is only 13 minutes away as I start typing....21 days of John.  Funny I was counting how many more days till Advent and counted 22 days.  Later I happened to see that John had 21 chapters and it hit chapter a day for 21 days.  I needed this.  Reading the Bible daily, while on my to do list every day, tends to get pushed back, way back and at night I think, tomorrow.  Now is my tomorrow.  
While I have degrees in Religion and Education I am simply a stay at home wife and mom, homeschooling my 4 kids, trying to survive day to day.  I am going to just share with you things that maybe touched me from the scripture, challenges in finding the time to read, discoveries about my self through scripture, and encourage you as you take this 21 day challenge with me.  You don't even have to read my thoughts, just focus on a chapter a day.
Funny thing about 21 days....21 chapters...isn’t that how long it takes to form a habit...21 days....hmmmm.
So here we go, (by the way I am up late cause it is my son’s 9th birthday and we always let him stay up as late as he wants, once a year.)

John Chapter 1-I saw you under a fig tree
First day of challenge.  To be honest I have read this chapter twice.  First time to myself, then again, just to read it.   As many times as I have read this chapter...I forget what goes where.  With 4 Gospels stories get told at different points, different ways, for different people.    I took notice to the story of Jesus calling Philip and Nathanael.  Nathanael at first was skeptical, “Can anything good come out of Nazareth?”  Then he mets Jesus and when he realizes that Jesus knew him he asked how?  Jesus replied “Before Philip called you, when you where under the fig tree, I saw you.”  That was enough for Nathanael, “Rabbi, you are the Son of God”  
Jesus reveals himself to be the Messiah and still does today.   It is just that simple, yet many do not believe in Him for many reasons.  Back then Jesus used everyday people to do amazing things. He was calling his disciples to follow Him.   I know many people who feel they are not worthy of Jesus or worthy of His love or their past is to shady to be following Jesus or to spread His word.  While we live in "skeptical" times, Jesus is still revealing Himself to us.
So maybe the first day of reading was easy, we are motivated to do something new!  How did you find the time to read?  Maybe you are listening to the bible, first chapter of John?  What touched your heart?  Anything jump out this time reading it?

Tomorrow...John 2....Water to Wine


9 years ago....

I was meeting my son for the first time!  After 24 plus hours of labor and a c-section (my first plan of beaming the baby out didn't work) Robby was born.  After my recovery they finally brought in this little guy to me, he was finally here.  So perfect....and tiny.
And now 9 years later, my little boy isn't so little.  He is sweet, kind, sensitive, creative, smart, curious, active, and just a joy to be around.  And while he is not perfect...he is a precious gift from God!




Who knew he would grow so much!

