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Hopping to It: September 2010

Monday, September 27, 2010

Don't you hate....

When you try to be really good about about something and and back fires on you!  In order to adjust numbers so we could keep family texting I moved down to the $15 data plan.  Trying to be good as to when I used data, it seems to have back fired on me...  Oh well...

Friday, September 24, 2010

I Saw Leila...

Leila was our last foster baby.  We had her move in when she was 3 months old.  Her situation was different than all the other foster babies.  She was in custody of grandma who also has Leila's older brother who is 3 now.  Grandma taught full time and was trying hard to keep the babies out of the foster care.  Some how we found each other and it was agree upon by us, grandma and DHR that we could do a private type of foster care/respite care for grandma.  Leila was very loved and our arrangement worked well.    She attended the daycare as her brother so her grandma would stop in and see her.
We loved having her in our family!!  And while we knew she was only with us temporary, I think we would have scoped her up as ours in a heart beat.  But it was a blessing that her grandma was involved!  She only wants to do best for her grandkids and help her daughter out as much as she can.  The future is still unknown for their grand babies, but the kids Lawyer or GAL said that the Leila was being bounced around too much and had to only stay with grandma so grandma can prove she can take care of them both. So when we dropped Leila off with grandma before Hawaii none of us knew that was going to be the last time we had her.  Grandma didn't want to leave it though as she never sees us and we don't see her.
So last Thursday she was home with too babies with little colds and had to do some running around and came by to get some of Leila's things and we got to visit for a while.  We didn't take her out of her car seat just because it is such a struggle to get her back and she was tired.  But we talked and Robby got her laughing and she held my hand and we played peek a boo!  I so wanted to hold her and hug her!  But an other time grandma will drop her off for a visit.  The we can catch up on hugs!
We don't know their future, but it is nice to still be able to see our foster babies grow up a little.  And it is good to see them back with their family.  We do foster care to help families figure things out.  It is always easy to think "these kids are much better with us" and "we can provide them with more." Most of these parents love their kids...they just have things in their lives that enable them not to function the way most moms or dads function.   Most of them need help raising their babies.  And that is not a bad thing, having family help raise your children.  In fact it is not a new idea, but one from times ago.
We also know that it doesn't work out.  Some mom's or dad's just can't seem to get it together enough to care for their kids.  And then that's when other forever families can step in and help.
We don't know what will happen with Leila, but she sure does have a grandma who loves her and will do whats best for her.  And if they go back to mom, then she will do her best to support her daughter.

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Monday, September 20, 2010

Babies and Books

On Thursday we got two little babies to do respite care!  They are sweet lovable little babies!  The little girl-J- was about 14 months and just the sweetest  little thing!  She fell in love with Robby and was his Shadow!  N was about 3 months old and just wanted to be held.  Our four days seemed to go quickly and we enjoyed having babies again.  Robby always has a hard time when our foster babies and kids leave.  He has such a big heart and it breaks when they leave.  I ask him, do you want us to stop and he say NO!  He likes helping these kids, but he is sad when they leave.  This time was a little harder cause J was so attached to him!
For anyone that knows me I am a bookoholic.   I love them, all kinds.  Some of my favorite authors in fiction stories are Frank Pretti, John Grisham and Ted Dekker.  Each one engages me in different ways.  I am bad about reading because when I read, I read and read and read.  Everything around me goes away and I am sucked into what every story it is.  So the weekend I have a 3 month old, who you know will wake up at least once, I read Immanuel's Veins by Ted Dekker.
This book at first intrigued by, but didn't suck me in.  I could put it down.  A few chapters in though....I started reading again Friday after the kids went to bed.  And soon, it was 12, then 1.  Through this Isaiah woke up, then Robby woke up.  My 16 year old kept coming into the room, telling me to stop reading.  My mind was transformed as I wondered what was next, guess who was going to do what and trying to envision what Toma looked like!  Finally by 3 I feel asleep, with Robby in bed with me and Dan still working on finances.  It was a weird night for us all.  I woke up and finished reading the last chapters. Needless to say we all were dragging the next day.
We made it through respite care, mommy reading a book, lack of sleep, babies, kids and now the kids are asking when is the next baby coming!  Maybe not a baby, but I am sure we will be doing Respite care again soon!

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Thursday, September 16, 2010

Getting ready for respite care...

Well today we are going to get two little babies to care for the weekend.   I have known for a week we were going to get them and I have gotten everything in place, except the portable crib...still needs to go up!
So for a few days we will have a baby fix, or babies fix.  The little girl is 14 months old and the baby boy, her brother, is 3 months old.  
I have talked to the foster mom a lot, who also has custody of her nieces 2 1/2 year old twins boys.  Pretty amazing family!!  While they are on a vacation that was planned before these two little guys came, they can rest assure that these babies are well loved and taken care of!!!!

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Friday, September 10, 2010

When your day is eaten up by a headache...

...many people don't understand headaches, they are the blessed ones who don't get headaches.   Those of us that get eats our lives away sometimes.
I have always gotten migraines.  My dad get them, my great aunt gets them, my grandmothers had them.  My baby sister get them.  They run in our family.  Everyones gets them for different reasons.  We have certain kinds of foods that trigger migraines, stress, that time of the month, sprays and many other triggers, some of which are unknown.  Being pregnant was a huge trigger.
I can go weeks with out headaches, then have a few.  I can get headaches that last for days.  Not all my headaches are migraines, I get a lot of tension headaches also.  The key is knowing the difference in terms of how to treat them.
Sometimes I just need Excedrin and caffeine.   Then I take Medrin if the Excedrin doesn't seem to help.  Medrin works for both tension and Migraines.  But it doesn't always touch my Migraines.  So I asked back in May for my Imitrex or Sumatriptan back.  This can be bad for pregnancy so my doctor didn't want me to take it for a while.  I use to use the nose spray back before I had Robby.  Now I have the pill.
I have had a string of headaches for over a week now.  I get them about this time every year, this string of them, some worse than other.  I blame the spraying of the cotton fields for this string.  I think after a while, my migraines move to tension headaches and then back.  Wednesday night I finally broke down and took an imitrex pill.  By morning I felt so good.  For the first time in 6 days I was completely headache free!!  It was great, I started cleaning and moving things.  By evening time though I could feel the tension coming back.
Then when I awoke at 5am this morning, the worse headache it was bad, and the very typical one sided headache.  So I just reached for the imitrex again and prayed it would go away before kids got up.  Side effect of imitex is sleepiness....I slept till 11.  I did wake up enough when I heard my kids, text Jeremy what was going on...and I slept.
My head still hurts but not as bad and I can function.  I have had coffee and moved to taking some Medrin.   This head is either a rebound headache from taking the imitrex or still from spraying.  What ever it is, it stoled my morning and that is all I am giving it.


Thursday, September 9, 2010

Yummy Meat Pockets...

We tried something different and easy for dinner today.  Meat pockets.  Really it is an old recipe concept that use to be used for lunch and other meals.

What we used
Grand rolls
ground meat (I put garlic in it...put what you want)
hash brown
I took sour cream and added Ms Dash to it.

We ground the meat with garlic
We flattened the roll.  We then spread the sour cream on the roll, then the hash brown, meat and cheese.  The put one more flat roll on to, pinch the sides together and bakes about 21 minutes or so.
It was yummy.  I think next time I will put more meat in the pocket!  Simple and fun for the kids.


Disney and Schooling

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Where do you find the time?

I wonder as I read these blogs I love where do they find the to blog?  I am so busy and I have so many ideas, but my time is so busy, where do I find the time?  As I adjust my schedule, I am trying to find the time.  So keep watch I am planning to get my act together.  I like blogging, I like writing, so this I will keep up!!  I also have many post for my homeschooling blog, just need to get the pictures down loaded!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Kenny Chesney - The Boys of Fall